Friday, Oct 09, 2020 7:30p -
Sunday, Oct 11, 2020 4:00p

Down Under School of Yoga
1054 Beacon Street
Brookline, MA 02446

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Sign up for Peg Mulqueen's full weekend of workshops (Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday afternoons) with a discounted price of $130, or sign up for individual workshops.

De-Mystifying Ashtanga Yoga: An Interactive Discussion
Fri, Oct 9 • 7:30–9:30pm • Brookline

Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga is a method used to quiet the mind by harmonizing the practice of postures with breath. See? That’s not so mysterious, is it? In fact, it probably sounds much like most other yoga we practice here in the west. That’s what makes Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga one of the most influential styles of practice in the yoga world today because it is the basis of nearly every other style we practice.

Still, the fact remains: Ashtanga yoga it is also one of the most misunderstood yoga methods, leaving many students feeling too fearful to try this transformative practice that brings with it the tools to both heal and transform. And that’s really how Ashtanga Dispatch podcast was born - as a way to introduce all students to all eight limbs of practice. Certainly all that jumping around on mats may look like just crazy gymnastics – but asana is only one of the limbs so this practice is far more than just physical.

So all you need to attend this workshop is your curiosity (and your questions), a willingness to explore basic movements using this counted method, and a mind that is open to possibility. And from there, we can go anywhere!
Cost: $40

Sacred Geometry: Ashtanga Yoga's Foundational Postures
Sat, October 10 • 1:30–4pm • Cambridge

"An angle is the space between two intersecting lines at or close to the point where they meet." That's why the angles that make up not only Ashtanga's fundamental postures - but the basic postures of nearly every other yoga practice - are so important! Because each of the angled postures create in the body intersecting lines that, when followed, will lead you deep into the pelvis where the magical yet elusive bandhas reside. And best of all, you won't need a compass or even a protractor!
Cost: $55

The Space Between: Transitioning Between Postures
Sun, Oct 11 • 1:30–4:30pm • Brookline

Transitioning in and out of postures in Ashtanga is as important, if not MORE important, than the posture itself. And yet, to practice with precision, these counted positions are also even more challenging!

This workshop will focus on moving from your center and moving effortlessly through the challenging but also fun transitions of Ashtanga yoga - with a very special emphasis on chaturanga, of course!
Cost: $65

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10/09/2020 19:30:00 10/11/2020 16:00:00 America/New_York A Weekend with Peg Mulqueen Sign up for Peg Mulqueen's full weekend of workshops (Friday evening, Saturday & Sunday afternoons) with a discounted price of $130, or sign up for individual workshops. De-Mystifying Ashtanga Y...

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