My name is Christine Radice and I teach personal empowerment through Reiki, meditation, yoga, and intuition.
Reiki. I am a Reiki Jin Kei Do Master/Teacher, Buddho EnerSense Level One & Two Teacher, and a Registered Practitioner and Teacher with the International Association of Reiki Professionals. I also provide Reiki treatments to companion animals and offer classes to teach you how to do basic energy healing on your pets. I have been practicing Reiki since 2002 and have since worked with hundreds of clients.
Meditation. I teach meditation classes with a focus on meditation techniques that can help manage stress and foster compassion for self and others.
Yoga. I am a yoga teacher (RYT® 200) currently offering gentle yoga classes to individuals and groups as well as adaptive chair yoga. Adaptive chair yoga can be done by anyone seated in a chair or wheelchair.
Intuitive services. I offer intuitive readings with Tarot and angel cards, as well as angelic spiritual healing sessions and trainings. I am a Certified Angel Card Reader (TM), certified by Dr. Doreen Virtue and Radleigh Valentine, and an Angel Clairvoyant (TM) certified by Doreen Maura, Angel Therapy Practitioner (TM). I hold an Angelic Priestess Diploma from The Angel Mystery School.
My practice is based in Brighton, Massachusetts and I offer distance healing and consultations by telephone, Zoom, and Skype.
Contact me
If you have questions about classes or services or if you would like to make an appointment, please email me at [email protected] or call me at 617-782-1681 (this number cannot accept texts). I generally return phone calls within one business day and emails even sooner. Email is the preferred way to get in touch with me.
Click here to sign up for my email list. You will receive 1 - 4 emails per month (usually just one or two) about Reiki and meditation classes, as well as reflections, and special offers. Your email address is never sold or rented to anyone.