Danforth Art Museum and School

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The Danforth Art Museum and School was established in 1975 by a group of community members who were committed to bringing the arts to Framingham, through exhibitions, museum programs, and studio art classes.

Merging with Framingham State University in 2018 to become the Danforth Art Museum and Art School at Framingham State University, the Danforth continues that legacy. Now located in the Jonathan Maynard Building on the historic Framingham Centre Common, the Museum and School continue to invite the public to see, learn about, create, and be inspired by art. The Museum’s Permanent Collection focuses on American art from the 19th century to the present day. Changing exhibitions feature both historic works and the works of regional, contemporary artists. The Art School offers studio art classes and workshops for all ages and levels of ability throughout the year. The Danforth is also a proud member of the Framingham Centre Common Cultural District.

Danforth Art Museum and School's events