Demakes Family YMCA
40 Neptune Blvd.
Lynn, MA 01902
Event website:
The YMCA of Metro North creates opportunities for children and families to reach their full potential and your donations help us change their lives for the better. Join us for the annual YMCA of Metro North Where in the World Gala and help lift up our community.
This year, our gala takes us around the world and back visiting the seven continents, exploring new cultures and cuisines, and supporting children and families in our communities.
Purchase tickets and sponsorship to attend the gala in person or purchase raffle tickets and bid on auction items to support the Y online. The grand raffle prize is a trip for two, anywhere in the world for dinner donated by our lead sponsor GraVoc. All proceeds from the Where in the World Gala go directly to providing children and families with financial assistance to access YMCA of Metro North health and early learning programs.