Creative Spirit
80 Washington Streert
Marblehead, MA 01945
Event website:
Writing from Life
Instructor: Allan Hunter
Ages 16+/Adult
Saturday, Nov. 10th, 2pm-5pm
Fee: $65
No matter what kind of writing we do, we can find inspiration in our very own lives.
Join us as we use brief writing exercises to cut through to what you really need to
write and liberate the well-springs of creativity. We will use simple writing prompts
and visualization techniques to invigorate your writing and help you find ideas you
want to explore more fully.
By the end of the day you will have had fun and you will understand more clearly:
(1) How early experiences shape the nature of the story you may want to tell;
(2) How to use practical visualizations to identify important moments;
(3) How to recognize that ‘inspiration’ can start from the smallest things and
(4) You will have an enhanced sense of what you want to write next.
BIO: Allan Hunter is a professor of literature, the author of 12 books, a counselor, writer and
a writing coach of 30 years experience. He studied at Oxford University. allanhunter.net