Friday, Mar 03, 2017 8:30a -

Cooley LLP
500 Boylston Street, 14th Floor
Boston, Massachusetts 02116

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The Capital Network & She Starts Presents: Women & Entrepreneurship: ‘Go Against The Flow’ Screening & Discussion

Friday February 10th 2017, 8:30 – 11:00AM
At: Cooley LLP, 500 Boyslton St, Boston

Every year for the past 30 years more women than men have graduated college. Women are entering the workforce in equal numbers to men, but women still:

– Earn 79% of their male counterparts
– Receive less than 10% of venture capital funding
– Make up only 18% of all start-up founders
– Run only 4% of Fortune 500 companies
– Only 2 % of women owned firms generate more than a million dollars

YET, research shows gender diverse companies are 15% more likely to outperform their peers and companies with more women on their board are more successful. On February 10th, join us for the screening of ‘Go Against the Flow ‘ and a post documentary roundtable discussion with Boston female entrepreneurs, investors and community organizers to discuss the role Boston and ALL OF US have in improving these statistics.
Go Against the Flow is more than a documentary film, says its director, Charu Sharma. “It’s a movement that aims to inspire women to take intelligent risks, trust their vision, and develop leadership skills.” As part of the movement, Charu has brought together the wisdom of top women entrepreneurs who are making their mark in fields ranging from medical technology to video games. They include the female founders of CloudFlare, Getaround, Mightybell, Kabam, Zinepak, Women Who Code, Zady, Remedy and Rockhealth. These women range from college dropouts to Harvard MBAs to Shark Tank winners. The documentary also includes Boston-based HerCampusMedia.

Join the Capital Network on March 3rd for the screening of the documentary followed up by a discussion moderated by Giselle Rivers (Cooley LLP), with Betty Francisco (Latina Circle, Pipeline Angels, Re-imagine Play), Lynne Zagami Riquelme (She Starts, Shoobx, Inc.), Diana Vertus (Founder of Exquisite Design Concepts & Producer at Boston Business Women) and Betsy Cowan (Neighborhood Business Manager at City of Boston).

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03/03/2017 08:30:00 03/03/2017 11:00:00 America/New_York Women & Entrepreneurship: ‘Go Against The Flow’ Screening & Discussion The Capital Network & She Starts Presents: Women & Entrepreneurship: ‘Go Against The Flow’ Screening & Discussion Friday February 10th 2017, 8:30 – 11:00AM At: Cooley LLP, 500 Boyslton St, Bost...

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