UU Wellesley
309 Washington Street
Wellesley Hills, MA 02481
Social Good
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Members of UU Wellesley’s Advocacy and Witness Interest Group invite you to stand with us against white supremacy and for racial justice and human rights. We will be holding the first of what we hope will be a monthly 15 minute silent vigil in recognition that Black Lives Matter on Sunday, October 29 at noon. We will meet on the sidewalk in front of UU Wellesley.
We believe that holding such a vigil will ignite important conversation about white supremacy and institutional racism within our community. As stated on the UUA website, “Black Lives Matter (http://blacklivesmatter.com/) is a movement and a stance in response to this reality: the United States was built on a legacy of slavery, racism, and oppression that continues to take new, ever-changing forms. To say that ‘black lives matter’ doesn't mean that black lives are more important than other lives, or that all lives don't matter. The systemic devaluing of Black lives calls us to bear witness, even as we acknowledge that oppression takes many intersecting forms.” We hold vigil as a way of expressing our outrage about racial profiling, police brutality, voting restrictions, and mass imprisonment of African Americans and other people of color in the US. Our UU Principles implore us to work for an end to the injustices faced by black people, to insure that every person is treated equally under the law and has equal opportunity. We look forward to standing in solidarity, and to engaging in deeper conversation. Go to http://uuwellesley.org/advocacy-witness-interest-group or contact [email protected] for more information.