Chamberlin Woods
1172 Lowell Rd
Concord, MA 01742
Kid Friendly
Animals respond and adapt to the winter by burmiating, aestivation, hibernation, migration, and embracing the snow! Learn about all the cool ways animals thrive in the winter through interactive stations, games, creative movement, investigations of art and nature, and creating original art projects for the whole family! Families can cut, glue, and construct original printmaking blocks in the shapes of animal feet, claws, paws. Attaching your block to your feet, print life-like animal tracks to make abstract paintings to take home.
Families are encouraged to sign up ($20/individual kid, $30/family). To limit numbers, we will divide sign ups into two groups. One at 1:00pm and one at 2:30pm. Everyone who attends this outdoor workshop must wear a mask and appropriately social distance. For questions, please email Caroline Provos at [email protected].
In the event of bad weather, we will reschedule the workshop to another date.