Lynn City Hall
3 City Hall Sq
Lynn, MA
Social Good
Event website:
Join Rev. Dr. Andre Bennett and other members of the clergy at Lynn City Hall and walk a 2.3 mile route ending at Governor Baker's house in Swampscott (49 Monument Ave). We are marching and driving in solidarity with other actions planned around the state. (To ensure accessibility and to support physical distancing, you can also join by car - a procession of cars that will follow the marchers.)
We are letting Governor Baker know that specific action needs to be taken. We refuse to be silent and turn our backs on the racism and systemic oppression here on the North Shore and in MA. We will not sit in silence as communities of color continue to suffocate under the knees of injustice, inequality, and inequity perpetrated upon them while others continue to benefit from the system and structures in place.
George Floyd should be alive today. Instead his name joins the long list of black and brown bodies looted by our white supremacist systems, including those charged with protecting and serving us all. Know their names, say their names... Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner, Michael Brown, Trayvon Martin. These are just a few of our siblings lost in recent years. Too many to name and even more whose names we will never know. We must say “Not One More”. We must act and call upon others to join us.
Who: Clergy and faith leaders of the North Shore led by Reverend Dr Andre Bennett, members of the North Shore black and brown community, and the #WeCan’tBreathe - North Shore BLM Solidarity Group, and other human rights activists, congregants, and others responding to the recent murder of George Floyd, Ahmaud Arbery, Breonna Taylor and other black and brown siblings.
What: An action in solidarity with Justice for George Floyd, Black Lives Matter and We Can’t Breathe to call attention to and demand an end to the continued harm and loss of life to our black and brown siblings at the hands of the police.
We urge everyone to exercise collective action responsibly! If you are marching, please wear a face mask (covering your mouth and nose) and maintain social physical distance. If you have any symptoms or have been exposed to someone who does, please stay home.
What to bring: Water, sunscreen, hat, face mask, and signs
(use #s: #BlackLivesMatter #Justice4GeorgeFloyd #WeCantBreathe #StopPoliceBrutality #WeCantBreathe #EndWhiteSilence #NoJusticeNoPeace)
When: Sunday, June 7, 2020 starting at 2pm
Where: Gathering and starting march from Lynn City Hall. Car Rally to follow. We will finish with gathering outside the Governor’s house in Swampscott.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)