Online event
Business, Lectures & Conferences, Virtual & Streaming
Event website:
This is a free webinar, co-hosted by the Fairmount Innovation Lab and BooksTime. It is 100% online, as our offices are currently closed.
Register for free to get the Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/9015886997059/WN_1y2zlt4HS_u2djtTEtCiFg
Topic: Resources that will help small businesses survive the pandemic.
The pandemic is hurting small businesses everywhere. There are many government programs, including grants and loans, available -- but these programs can be confusing, and funding is running out for some of them.
In this webinar, you'll get clarity on:
- What programs are available for small businesses (including solo entrepreneurs),
- How to apply and get funding from the government, and
- Non-governmental resources that you should consider as well.
If time allows, there will be a Q&A session. Otherwise, feel free to send any questions to [email protected].
This event is co-hosted by the Fairmount Innovation Lab and BooksTime.
The presenter will be Jesse Gildesgame, CEO of BooksTime, an accounting firm that works with small businesses. BooksTime is a national accounting firm headquartered in the Boston area.
For more information about the Fairmount Innovation Lab, visit www.fil594.org
For more information about BooksTime, visit www.bookstime.com/?zoom