Virtual, Copley Society of Art
158 Newbury Street
Boston, MA 02134
Art, Classes
Event website:
This workshop will be a 3 day still life workshop that gets into the very heart of how to put together and design and paint a quality still life. For more information please visit the website link.
Level: beginner to expert.
All Classes will run on Zoom, students are responsible for internet access.
Tuition: $300
Workshop dates:
March 9th – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
March 11th – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
March 12th – 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
Day 1) Sam will show you an effective way to set up your subject and light it well. (Some of this info will be sent to students in advance so that they are prepared.) Then he will demonstrate the importance of a preparatory sketch (ie pear, apple orange) and how to think about design from the get-go. Once you have your basic design then he will show you how to block in the big shapes with paint paying particular attention to separating lights from darks. Students will paint along with Sam and hopefully, we can talk back and forth as we go. Home assignment: send photos of work to Sam.
Day 2) We will start the second and third day by looking at all of our progress as we have sent photos of work the night before. Then we will begin the day by working on establishing that the basic drawing is correct and that the big shapes are in the right place. Next, we pay attention to getting the values right. Sam will show you how to focus on the center of interest by using techniques that lead your eye through the painting. We will paint broadly and loosely striving to get the values and color correct with very little attention to detail. We are going for the big form at this stage.
Day 3) Morning critique and then Sam will show you how to start the day by working on the thing in the painting that needs the most improvement. He calls this the “back straggler” and believes that if all you do every day when you walk into your studio is to work on the back straggler then the painting will move along in the right direction. The hard part is to determine what the back straggler is and Sam will show you the best ways to do this. The last day is when we pay attention to the edges of the objects that we are painting. The attention paid to hard and soft edges can help lead the eye, help focus the center of interest and overall elevate a painting to the highest quality. There will be a final critique session where Sam will emphasize the steps we took to get to a finished painting.