Tuesday, Mar 28, 2023 6:30p -
Repeats weekly

Online event
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Boston, MA 02110

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Hosted by:
mindfulandmelanated Mindful + Melanated

Meetup, Virtual

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Man got on your nerves? Co-worker tried you? Feeling Stuck? Are you the strong friend no one checks on? Come through...we got you!

*Virtual sister circle gatherings take place via Zoom every OTHER Tuesday from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. EST starting Jan 3, 2023*

The Virtual Sister Circle hosted by Mindful + Melanated was created by a Black woman for Black women. The purpose of these gatherings is for us to socialize and support each other in a safe space, without the intrusion mixed company.

Our virtual sister circle gatherings are structured similarly to open process peer support groups - meaning they are intentionally designed to allow you to express what you are going through/feeling in the moment. Unless otherwise noted, there will be no pre-established topic for these meetings. We are just going to get together and deal with whatever is on our minds and hearts.

So if you are curious about how other Black women are coping with their stress or just want to shoot the shhh w/ some amazing Black women, join our sister circle today! You can register here: https://mmvirtualsistercircle.eventbrite.com.

To learn how Mindful + Melanated can support you in your mental wellness journey, visit www.mindfulandmelanated.com.

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03/28/2023 18:30:00 03/28/2023 19:30:00 America/New_York Virtual Sister Circle: a gathering of Black Queens supporting each other <p>Man got on your nerves? Co-worker tried you? Feeling Stuck? Are you the strong friend no one checks on? Come through...we got you!</p><p><br></p><p><strong><em>*Virtual sister circle gatherings ...

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