Online event
Art, Lectures & Conferences, Virtual & Streaming
Event website:
Throughout the first weeks of June, a group of passionate community organizers will host a virtual art show designed with the twofold purpose of celebrating the nine Enneagram personality types and supporting artists affected by the Covid-19 crisis. Free and open to the public, the event will feature an opening night reception on Thursday, June 4, featuring talks by several professional speakers, including Enneagram experts Beatrice Chestnut and Milton Stewart. Open gallery viewing hours will follow.
Our unique virtual gallery will feature over a dozen freelance artists from around the country, each of whom will exhibit their take on one of the nine enneagram types. The gallery will remain open for several weeks following the reception.
Donations, while not required, are recommended and will provide direct and immediate relief to artists during this time. Please visit our donation page for details: https://fundrazr.com/91eubd?ref=sh_68yyHb_ab_6w2UswRkBXu6w2UswRkBXu
The Enneagram is an empathy-based personality indicator that explores patterns in the ways in which people conceptualize the world and self.
To learn more about this upcoming event, and to receive updates, please visit our website: https://www.enneagramartshow.com/
To register, please follow this link: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/virtual-enneagram-art-show-grand-opening-tickets-104174041362
Thank you!