121 Devonshire Street
Boston, MA 02210
Innovation, Meetup, Social Good
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The Design Museum Boston invites you to our upcoming UNITE event!!
UNITE is a quarterly event series showcasing the intersection of design and everything else. Each UNITE event brings together four thought leaders around a complex topic like entrepreneurship, healthcare, data visualization, and local manufacturing – and only one of the panelists is a designer.
Our newest event is about Makerspaces. They are becoming vital to college campuses and workplaces alike. Accessible makerspaces create opportunity for students and creative professionals to bring their visions to reality. With more and more companies and schools prioritizing the maker mindset, new questions arise about the use of these spaces and who is using them.
Our Winter panel will feature ideas around the following questions:
Are makerspaces becoming more prominent and in what industries?
How do we ensure makerspaces are inclusive to all concentrations and skill levels?
Who finds these makerspaces intimidating and how are organizations addressing that?