Digital Silver Imaging
9 Brighton Street
Belmont, Massachusetts 02478
Alcohol, Art, Food, Kid Friendly, Tech
Event website:
In celebration of our first 10 years of Digital Silver Imaging we are having an Open House Saturday, June 30th. Join us for something cold to drink, a variety of interesting happenings, hourly raffles, and just enjoying the company of our great photo community.
What we have planned:
• “Leica’s on Loan” Borrow a Leica camera and lens for up to 90 minutes* 10am -4pm
• Monitor Calibration Demo with X Rite + Rebate on X Rite Products 12 -4pm
• Barry Schneier showing his Bruce Springsteen portfolio, and signing prints 2-5pm
• Herb Greene selling his limited edition Grateful Dead on Haight Posters for sale 2-5pm
• JJ Gonson selling and signing her 1980’s Rock & Roll prints 2-5pm
• Locally sourced treats from Cuisine en Locale 4-6pm
• Odds and Ends Sale (Frames, Art Photo Books, Paper)
• Hourly print and merchandise Raffles
• Discount coupons available only at the event
• Get a tour of the lab and meet the staff
*Leica Store Boston will provide a selection of cameras for “Leica’s on Loan.” Participants will have the opportunity to borrow a Leica camera and lens for up to 90 minutes. Loans are complimentary and offered on a first come, first-served basis. A valid photo ID, credit card and empty SD card are required to borrow a camera.
Images (Top Left clockwise) ©Barry Schneier, Leica M, ©JJ Gonson, ©Herb Greene