Various locations, Boston +
Surrounding areas
Boston, MA 02215
Art, Date Idea, Kid Friendly
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Over 70 Trustees properties are once again open to the public who live nearby. These are sites that do not require staffing and did not experience overcrowding prior to the closures.
In addition, starting on or after May 19, five of our most popular properties will be reopening their outdoor spaces only on a controlled basis to provide residents of those communities more access to nature during the COVID-19 pandemic. deCordova Sculpture Park and Museum in Lincoln, Fruitlands Museum in Harvard, Naumkeag in Stockbridge, and World’s End in Hingham will all be opened in a manner that will limit overcrowding and keep both visitors and staff safe by staying aligned with the Governor’s Stay at Home order, which calls for social distancing and staying local.
Crane Beach in Ipswich will be open to permit parking holders and Trustees Members for two weeks (May 20-June 2) while they test out the operations required to safely open the beach to the general public.
Reserve tickets/parking passes here.
Crane Beach and Fruitlands Museum will offer daily parking passes, which will be reserved online only. Members and Crane permit holders will gain discounted or free parking passes and must use their Membership numbers when booking their reservations. Fruitlands parking passes will also be free to Members.
Parking passes for Members can be reserved starting May 8. The general public will be able to purchase parking passes starting May 13.
World’s End, deCordova, and Naumkeag will also book parking passes online but will operate using a pre-reserved timed ticketing option. Visitors will sign up to reserve a parking pass online to arrive within a specific window of time to ensure no more than half capacity for safety reasons. As with Fruitlands, Members will be able to reserve their parking passes free of charge.
Please note that those who visit these sites without a parking pass will not be allowed to enter. In keeping with the Governor’s most recent order, all visitors above the age of two are required to bring and wear a face covering.
We know how important it is to get outside, get exercise, and connect with nature in challenging times, and we will continue to work on expanding access to our special places while balancing the need to flatten the curve and slow the spread of this serious virus. Please check back for regularly for announcements on newly opened properties.
Closed Properties and Cancellations
While over 70 Trustees sites have reopened – for local use only – to allow the public access to nature during these difficult times, the rest of our 118 properties have remained closed to date due to concerns about overcrowding and inability to physically distance at these sites.
We recognize that these are some of our most beloved sites and have been working hard to figure out how to reopen these safely, in line with CDC guidance and the Governor’s directives.
These are sites that are usually unstaffed and where a staff presence would now be required to prevent overcrowding, or where town officials have requested that they stay closed. Gates and parking lots will be closed, and all are asked to respect these closures in order to help slow the spread of this serious virus. Sites with narrow trail systems are also being kept closed.
While some of the properties remain closed for the time being, The Trustees hopes to safely open more sites with a plan for controlled access in the near future.
Similarly, all in-person programs are cancelled through the end of June.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)