Thursday, Jun 25, 2020 7:00p -

Online event
47 David G Mugar Way
Cambridge, MA

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Lectures & Conferences, Virtual & Streaming

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What are our dreams trying to tell us each night? Do we take the daily anxieties of our waking lives into our dream states? How does this all apply to dreams during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do their metaphors tell us about our deeper unconscious experiences of these times? What techniques can influence our dreams away from repetitive anxiety and toward creative problem solving?

Deirdre Barrett, PhD, is on the faculty of Harvard and is the author of The Committee of Sleep and the forthcoming Pandemic Dreams. She has spent decades researching and teaching the science of dreams, examining the impacts of current events and societal catastrophes- including a study of 9/11 survivors. As we find ourselves in the middle of a global pandemic, Dr. Barrett is studying the outbreak of COVID-19 dreams around the world. Join the Museum of Science and Dr. Barrett for an exploration of the scientific and psychological meanings of our dreams, and learn more about her current study of dreaming during COVID times.

Deirdre Barrett, PhD is a psychologist on the faculty of Harvard where she teaches courses on dreams to undergraduates, psychiatry residents & psychology interns, and lectures on hypnosis. She is Past President of both the International Association for the Study of Dreams and The Society for Psychological Hypnosis. She has written five books including Pandemic Dreams The Committee of Sleep, and The Pregnant Man: Cases from a Hypnotherapist’s Couch. She is the editor of four additional books including Trauma and Dreams. She is Editor-in-Chief of the international journal, DREAMING.. Dr. Barrett has published dozens of academic articles and chapters on dreams, hypnosis, sleep talking, and evolutionary psychology. Her current work focuses on dreams and creative problem solving and on lucid dreaming.

Dr. Barrett’s commentary on dreams has been featured on Good Morning America, The Today Show, CNN, Fox, and The Discovery Channel. She has been interviewed for dream articles in The Washington Post, The New York Times, Time, Life, and Newsweek. Her own articles have appeared in Psychology Today and Scientific American. Dr. Barrett has lectured at Esalen, the Smithsonian, and at universities around the world.

All SubSpace events are intended for audiences 18+.

This program is free, thanks to the generosity of the Lowell Institute.

If you enjoy the Museum’s presentation of The Reality of Dreaming with Deirdre Barrett, PhD, please visit https://www.mos.org/sciencematters to support #MOSatHome.

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06/25/2020 19:00:00 06/25/2020 20:30:00 America/New_York The Reality of Dreaming with Deirdre Barrett, PhD What are our dreams trying to tell us each night? Do we take the daily anxieties of our waking lives into our dream states? How does this all apply to dreams during the COVID-19 pandemic? What do t...

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