Thursday, Apr 17, 2025 7:30p -

The Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture
18 Phillips Street
Boston, MA 02114

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thevilnashul The Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture

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“The waters parted, and the Israelites went into the sea on dry ground, the waters forming a wall for them on their right and on their left.” Exodus 14:21-22

Back, by popular demand, the Moth StorySLAM returns to The Vilna! The Moth features true stories, told live by regular people, with no notes. For 28 years, The Moth has been building empathy and creating community all over the world: in person, on the radio, through podcasts and more.

Each Moth StorySLAM focuses on a single theme. At The Vilna this Passover our theme will be Parting. Want to share a story?

The Moth offers guidelines and tips and tricks. Here’s their take on parting: Prepare a five-minute story about saying goodbye, letting go, or moving on. Maybe it’s the end of an era, a relationship, or a place that felt like home. Share a tale of leaving something behind, willingly or unwillingly, and the moment it changed you. Whether it’s a farewell you never wanted or the freedom found in starting fresh, tell us about the moment, the feeling, and what came after.

Why is this Passover night different from all other nights? Because you’ll be at The Moth at The Vilna. With kosher-for-Passover snacks, of course.

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04/17/2025 19:30:00 04/17/2025 21:30:00 America/New_York The Moth StorySLAM <p><em>“The waters&nbsp;</em><strong><em>parted,</em></strong><em>&nbsp;and the Israelites went into the sea on dry ground, the waters forming a wall for them on their right and on their left.” Exo...

The Vilna Shul, Boston's Center for Jewish Culture, Boston, MA 02114 false MM/DD/YYYY

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