Brattle Plaza
40 Brattle St
Cambridge, MA
< 21, Date Idea, Food, Kid Friendly
Event website:
The wait is over! The Harvard Square Business Association is thrilled to announce the highly anticipated annual Taste of Chocolate Festival. The highlight of this beloved weekend extravaganza is the free Chocolate Tasting Event on Saturday, January 26th from 1 pm – 2 pm. Please join us on Brattle Plaza (in front of Brattle Square Florist at 31 Brattle Street) for heavenly chocolate treats from some of Harvard Square’s most loved restaurants and businesses!
Come early! This celebration of all things chocolate attracts hundreds of chocoholics! Bring your dancing shoes (or boots! It’s a great way to burn off those calories you will consume!) – once again, our friends Grooversity will warm the crowd with their infectious and heart-stopping percussion combining traditional Brazilian grooves like Samba and Axe with Funk, Rock, Jazz and even Hip Hop.