Thursday, Mar 23, 2017 10:00p -
Friday, Mar 24, 2017 1:00a

Atwood's Tavern
877 Cambridge St
Cambridge, MA 02141

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The Curtis Mayflower are pleased to announce the arrival of "Death Hoax". An album flush with stark lyricism, resolute musicality, thoughtfully balanced by the band's signature blend of Rock and Soul. While the 2013 debut "Everything Beautiful Is Under Attack" was a trove of one-take performances, "Death Hoax" is a more focused studio endeavor. Recorded in January of 2016 at Wooly Mammoth Sound by David Westner, all members of The Curtis Mayflower brought their personal songwriting styles to the table. The result is a nine song vignette reflecting the gravitational tendencies of the human condition. The band will tour the release of "Death Hoax" beginning in March for the foreseeable future and is busy putting the finishing touches on an EP of outtakes and improvisations. All information regarding news and events can be found at www.thecurtismayflower.com.

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03/23/2017 22:00:00 03/24/2017 01:00:00 America/New_York The Curtis Mayflower Record Release The Curtis Mayflower are pleased to announce the arrival of "Death Hoax". An album flush with stark lyricism, resolute musicality, thoughtfully balanced by the band's signature blend of Rock and So...

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