32 Quincy Street
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138
Event website:
Examine the tension between nature and artifice in constructions of feminine beauty. Join an interactive discussion of Under the Cherry Blossoms, an early 16th-century illustration for The Tale of Genji by Tosa Mitsunobu, and two sculptures by women: Daphne (1930) by Renée Sintenis and Nature Study (1986) by Louise Bourgeois.
This interactive tour will take place online via Zoom. To join, click the following link: https://harvard.zoom.us/j/93154568575 (free admission; no pre-registration required).
Virtual Student Guide Tours take place every Thursday at 8pm and every Saturday at 11am on Zoom. Each tour is unique and offers a chance to explore the collections of the Harvard Art Museums through the eyes of a Harvard student. Drop in and join the conversation!
For instructions on how to join a meeting on Zoom, click here. For general questions about Student Guide Tours, email [email protected].
This program is supported by the Ho Family Student Guide Fund.
The Ho Family Student Guide Program at the Harvard Art Museums trains students to develop original, research-based tours of the collections. These tours, designed and led by Harvard undergraduates from a range of academic disciplines, focus on objects chosen by each Student Guide and offer a unique, thematic view into the collections.
The Harvard Art Museums are committed to accessibility for all visitors. For anyone requiring accessibility accommodations for our programs, please contact us at [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.