Wednesday, Oct 02, 2019 7:30a -
Repeats weekly

Down Under School of Yoga
306 Walnut Street
Newton, MA 02460

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$60 for the series

Sports & Active Life

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4 Classes: Wed Oct 2, Fri Oct 11, Wed Oct 16, Wed Oct 23
7:30-8:30am in Newton

Pranayama is the yogic practice of breathing which builds on the skills of self-observation and control developed in an asana practice. A practitioner of both asana and pranayama gains a more profound awareness of mind, body, and self.

Over the course of the series, we will explore the basics of breath observation, practice asana that prepares one for pranayama, and practice a variety of reclining supported pranayama techniques.

No prior knowledge or practice of pranayama is required for this series, but 6-12 months of regular yoga practice is highly recommended. Each class will build on the previous class, so single class drop-ins are not allowed.

Rosie Richardson is a Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) and Certified Yoga Therapist (C-IAYT)

Cost $60 for the series

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10/02/2019 07:30:00 10/02/2019 08:30:00 America/New_York The Art of Breath: An Introduction to Pranayama with Rosie Richardson 4 Classes: Wed Oct 2, Fri Oct 11, Wed Oct 16, Wed Oct 23 7:30-8:30am in Newton Pranayama is the yogic practice of breathing which builds on the skills of self-observation and control developed ...

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