250 Washington St
250 Washington St
Boston, MA
Social Good
Event website:
Last week, Dawn Wooten, a nurse at an ICE camp in Georgia, blew the whistle on her employers: she exposed that a doctor in the camp was systematically sterilizing dozens of immigrants without their consent. The death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg, a key defender of reproductive rights, makes this monstrous act even more harrowing. The fear, rage, and dread in our community is palpable; this kind of medical abuse is not isolated to the South. Right here in Massachusetts, Bristol County House of Corrections is abusing immigrants and other incarcerated people – and leaving them extremely vulnerable to COVID-19.
These events are connected. They point towards a rising tide of fascism and white nationalism in this country, and build on a history of the United States' medical abuse of people of color. The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has a responsibility to hold the Bristol County Sheriff accountable, conduct a full inspection of the prison, and ensure that anyone guilty of committing these abuses is removed from duty. MA must prevent anything like this from occurring in the future and provide reparations to the victims of the conditions now.
Join us Thursday morning in the spirit of Rosh Hashanah to tell DPH: Blow the Whistle on Bristol.
****** COVID safety precautions ******
• Wear a mask over your nose and mouth
• Maintain at least 6ft of distance between you and folks outside of your household/pod
• We will have hand sanitizer and medics available
• If you are not feeling well or have any symptoms (fever, cough, etc.), join us virtually / on live-stream / in spirit.