Sunday, Sep 22, 2019 11:00a -

Kings Dining and Entertainment
60 Seaport Blvd
Boston, Massachusetts 02210

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Food, Social Good, Sports & Active Life

Join us at Kings Entertainment and Dining for the Patriots vs. Jets game this Sunday hosted by SuperDraft. Fans can enter to win a free year of bowling and SuperDraft “SuperCash” by downloading the SuperDraft app and entering the special daily promo code only available at Kings locations. Each Kings guest with the app will also get $15 game credit and swag from Kings staff by entering one of the contests. Daily contests begin at 1 pm and continue for games later in the day, for the winner to be announced by the next day. The promo code is first available at 11am when all Kings locations open.

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09/22/2019 11:00:00 09/22/2019 20:00:00 America/New_York SuperDrafts Hosts Weekly Fantasy Football Contest at Kings Join us at Kings Entertainment and Dining for the Patriots vs. Jets game this Sunday hosted by SuperDraft. Fans can enter to win a free year of bowling and SuperDraft “SuperCash” by downloading the...

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