The Umbrella Arts Center
40 Stow St.
Concord, MA 01742
Art, History, Kid Friendly
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Five Concord-area Organizations Offer 36 Activities to Connect Families with Arts and Nature this Summer
Concord, MA – July 30, 2020 - Concord and Metrowest organizations have collaborated to launch Summer Quest, a new, free summer program of outdoor and socially-safe activities to complete for fun rewards. The Umbrella Arts Center's Arts & Environment Program, Drumlin Farm, OARS, Concord Land Conservation Trust, Minute Man National Historical Park, and others have created site-specific and at-home environmental learning projects for kids ages 5 and up.
With summer camps and vacations cancelling due to coronavirus, Summer Quest connects with kids who cannot access a traditional summer camp. Summer Quest combines outdoor experience with fun and educational learning opportunities.
The program emphasizes going outdoors and exploring the environment while maintaining safe social distancing, or taking time for creativity and environmental study. Summer Quest will bring campers outside to organizing partner locations to get a taste of each location's natural beauty and history. Activities span six different categories: stewardship, science, history, social studies, art, and literacy. For completing activities, participants can earn certificates, badges, or the ultimate prize: a bandana.
For artistic activities, "questers" can create, document, and share what they create in The Umbrella Art Center's summer's-end, regionwide creative #DiscoverYourArts Showcase.
To access activities, visit any partner website for a full list and that partner’s activities, download a brochure from TheUmbrellaArts.org/Quest, or email [email protected].
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