Sunday, Mar 09, 2025 8:00a -
Repeats weekly

168 Second St
168 Second St
Cambridge, MA 02142

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Join us for a 2 hour strength and conditioning workout!

About this event

Strength & Conditioning Workout Series with Boston 1 Dragon Boat Team

Interested in joining a community of athletes and fun-loving people? Join us for our group strength & conditioning Winter Workout sessions. If you’re not someone who regularly works out, we’ll also provide motivation, guidance, and feedback on your technique, form, and development.

Come ready to sweat, work hard, meet some friendly people, and have fun!


Two-Session Trial: $20

Season Membership (unlimited workouts until the end of April): $138 / $99 for ages under 24

How To Join:

1. Sign our team’s waiver & the facility’s waiver

2. Pick the date you’ll be joining us by RSVPing on Meetup!

2. Pay the $20, 2-practice trial fee using Venmo (@boston1dboat), cash, or check (“Boston One Dragon Boat Team, Inc.“)

4. Come 10-15 minutes early and talk to one of our coaches to get acclimated!

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03/09/2025 08:00:00 03/09/2025 10:00:00 America/New_York Strength & Conditioning Workout Series with Boston 1 Dragon Boat Team <p>Join us for a 2 hour strength and conditioning workout!</p><p><br></p><p><strong>About this event</strong></p><p>Strength &amp; Conditioning Workout Series with Boston 1 Dragon Boat Team</p><p>I...

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