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Boston +
Massachusetts, MA
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Food, Social Good
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Dear customers,
Now, more than ever, it’s important we come together as a community to support each other during challenging times. Part of that is showing compassion and care for some of our neighbors who are most vulnerable to the COVID-19 virus. According to the CDC, that is members of the population who are age 60 and older.
To support this group, beginning Thursday, March 19th, all Stop & Shop stores will open earlier in order to service only customers who are age 60 and over from 6:00a.m.-7:30a.m. daily.
We’re making the decision to offer this every day of the week to allow for community members in this age category to shop in a less crowded environment, which better enables social distancing. They’ll also be shopping prior to any other customers entering.
Beginning Thursday, people ages 60 and up can use a designated entrance, which will be marked at their local store, from 6:00a.m.-7:30a.m. Although we will not be requesting ID for entry, we ask that you please respect the purpose of the early opening – and do the right thing for your neighbors. Store associates do reserve the right to ask customers to leave if they are not a member of this age group.
As previously announced, most stores have adjusted their hours to 7:30a.m. to 8:00p.m. to enable our associates to spend more time unloading deliveries, stocking shelves – and to take some time for rest. Please note that our stores receive deliveries throughout the day, so our shelves will be replenished for shoppers at all hours. And, we have implemented added cleaning and sanitation efforts, which will continue throughout the day at all stores.
Our home delivery service will remain available to all customers as well. If you have a grandparent, parent, friend, or neighbor in this age group, remember you can place an order on their behalf with our new “Contact-Free” delivery option. With this service, we’ll notify you by text or email when the driver arrives, and they will simply leave the bags on the doorstep or building entry and return to their vehicle. We recognize there may be some delays with this service due to unprecedented demand, and we are continuing to work hard to meet your needs.
We hope you will join us in our efforts to care for the older members of our community at this time, and we are very grateful for your continued support.
Gordon Reid
President, The Stop & Shop Supermarket Co.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)