Sunday, Mar 22, 2020 6:00p -
Wednesday, Mar 25, 2020 7:00p

Culture House
500 Kendall st
Cambridge, MA 02142

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Looking to read something new and a bit different and share your thoughts with fellow readers? We are starting a book club with books picked from the eclectic NYRB Classics series. It will feature authors from across the globe and times, and each month you will read something different than before.

Each month we feature one book and have two one-hour events focused on that book. We will start with collections of short stories - read as few or as many as you like. You bring the conversation and CultureHouse will provide the coffee and tea!

In March we will be reading "Thus Were Their Faces, Selected Stories" by Silvina Ocampo, an Argentinian author and contemporary of Borges.

If you are looking to buy your book, we encourage you to shop local with our partner All She Wrote Books. All She Wrote Books is a feminist bookstore that prides itself in stocking new and used books featuring female, queer and non-binary authors of all genres. If you order through All She Wrote Books, you can pick up at CultureHouse or have it shipped directly to you. Email [email protected] to place an order.

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03/22/2020 18:00:00 03/25/2020 19:00:00 America/New_York Short Story Book Club Looking to read something new and a bit different and share your thoughts with fellow readers? We are starting a book club with books picked from the eclectic NYRB Classics series. It will feature ...

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