Thursday, Dec 19, 2024 6:00p -
Repeats monthly

The Beehive
541 Tremont St
Boston, MA 02118

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Hosted by:
samnik Sam

Business & Professional, Date Idea, Drinks, Good for Groups

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About us!

What is Shabeh Jomeh?

Shabeh Jomeh is a monthly gathering of young Iranian professionals living in the metropolitan areas of major cities. The event is designed to improve upon existing professional and social relations and is intended to be the platform for exchanging ideas and improving Iranians' professional standing in our communities. This gathering is a non-political, non-religious event and is open to all professionals. Shabeh Jomeh has created a bond between all of our communities and a great network upon which we can all capitalize. Each Shabeh Jomeh has its own character within the framework of the simple formula highlighted—building a community to help us both socially and professionally advance. Each Chapter convenes on the 3rd Thursday of each month.

What does Shabeh Jomeh mean?

Shabeh Jomeh literally means "night of Friday" - but its literal translation is deceptive. Shabeh Jomeh actually is a reference to “Friday eve” (or Thursday night). In Iran, Shabeh Jomeh has a number of significances. Shabeh Jomeh is the beginning of the weekend for Iranians. Shabeh Jomeh, traditionally, is the night to go out or entertain family and/or friends. It also has been known to be the “night of mischief”. Shabeh Jomeh is the night for the gatherings and the name of the network – a link to Iranians globally.

How did Shabeh Jomeh begin?

Shabeh Jomeh was started in New York in February 2000 by a group of friends who wanted to organize a gathering of Iranian professionals in the New York area with a different twist – the goal was to set up a forum for individuals to socialize, engage in professional networking and exchange ideas. They wanted it to have a very simple formula: it had to be cool and no frills – it had to be about community building and not about exclusivity. It had to be open and optional, easy and fun – and, it had to be non-political and non-religious.

When did Shabeh Jomeh Start?

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12/19/2024 19:00:00 12/19/2024 22:00:00 America/New_York Shabe Jomeh ( Persian networking event) <p> <strong> About us!</strong></p><p>​</p><p><strong>What is Shabeh Jomeh?</strong></p><p>Shabeh Jomeh is a monthly gathering of young Iranian ...

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