Saturday, Sep 15, 2018 12:00p -
Sunday, Sep 16, 2018 5:00p

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral
41 Alewife Book Parkway
Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140

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Alcohol, Festivals & Fairs, Food, Kid Friendly, Music, Party

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12th Annual Serbian Festival

The festival is a family event. The festivities will include live music , ethnic homemade foods and several folk dancing troupes from the U.S. and Canada. Also this is an opportunity for all to take part in a traditional and quite popular large dancing party. In addition, we will have fun activities for children, and stands with souvenirs, books and arts and crafts for sale.

The SerbFest is organized and staffed by an army of volunteers. Admission is FREE

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09/15/2018 12:00:00 09/16/2018 17:00:00 America/New_York SerbFest 12th Annual Serbian Festival The festival is a family event. The festivities will include live music , ethnic homemade foods and several folk dancing troupes from the U.S. and Canada. Also this...

St. Sava Serbian Orthodox Cathedral, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02140 false MM/DD/YYYY

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