Parish Center For the Arts
10 Lincoln Street
Westford, Massachusetts 01886
Event website:
Shout out to all music lovers! If you own your own business or work at a company that might be interested in sponsoring the next Chick Singer Night (CSN) Boston music showcase benefit show at the Parish Center for the Arts (PCA) in Westford, MA on 3/18/23, please read the following:
Please consider becoming a sponsor for the Chick Signer Night Boston benefit show on 3/18/23 and indicate which level of sponsorship you would like. **Sponsorship includes advertisement in the show program and all social media promotions, as well as VIP tickets (depending on level of sponsorship).**
Chick Singer Night Boston is a non-profit and depends on sponsorships to help pay for our expenses (advertising, pay band, printing, etc.) so we can donate 100% of ticket sales. CSN Boston's mission is to highlight local female singers/songwriters while raising money to benefit music programs and venues that empower girls/women to "find their voices". This event on 3/18 will feature many Westford singers and raise money to support the Parish Center for the Arts venue. The PCA is also a non-profit organization and relies on revenues from events and rentals to continue offering visual and performing arts to Westford and the Merrimack Valley communities.
Sponsorship Levels:
* “TAKE IT TO THE LIMIT” - $1,000
This level helps pay to run the entire show (pay the band, soundperson, advertising, printing, etc).
Includes FULL page ad in the program, 4 VIP tickets, company logo on promotional materials and
CSN Boston website.
* “THE SHOW MUST GO ON” - $750
This level helps pay for our 4-person CSN House band to learn all the songs of each performer, have
one rehearsal with the performers and play the show. Includes 1/2 page ad in program, 4 VIP
tickets, company logo on promotional materials and CSN Boston website.
This level helps pay for ½ of the entire show. Includes 1/4 page ad (business card size) in program,
4 VIP tickets, company logo on promotional materials and CSN Boston website.
This level will help us pay for advertising and printing. Includes ¼ page ad in program, 2 VIP tickets,
and acknowledgement on CSN Boston website.
* “ON MY OWN” - $100
Every amount helps! Includes 1 VIP ticket, acknowledgement in program and on CSN Boston website.
If you would like to make a DONATION instead of sponsorship, it will be greatly appreciated. Again, CSN Boston is 100% non-profit organization and all proceeds after expenses will be donated to the music program, venue or organization chosen for each showcase. You can make a donation at PayPal.me/CSNBoston or Venmo.com/ChickSingerNightBoston.
SPONSORSHIP RESERVATION FORM - https://chicksingernight.com/chapters/boston/docs/CSNSponsorshipReservationForm2023.pdf
CHICK SINGER NIGHT BOSTON WEBSITE - https://chicksingernight.com/chapters/boston/
CONTAT: Marcia J. Macres ~ [email protected] ~ cell #978-273-1896
Our Most Sincere Thanks for Your Support of this Important Cause ofKeeping Music and Venues alive in our Local Communities!
Brochure: https://go.evvnt.com/1591425-0?pid=5248
Artists/ Speakers: Marcia J. Macres, Jennifer Truesdale, Russell Watts, Connie Diamond, Ali Manion, Kathryn Fitzgerald, Carol Wing, Dale Knowles
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)