Tip O'Neil Federal Building
10 Causeway St, Auditorium, 1st Floor
Boston, MA 02222
Business, Lectures & Conferences
Event website:
The social communication manual has been rewritten! As clients and constituents alike purchase products and services differently, the strategies and techniques you employ to target them are continuously changing.
This free workshop explores the latest emerging social media technologies that will help you understand the fundamentals of digital marketing.
Module 2: Design your Digital SWOT
The topics covered in this workshop are:
- Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of your organization or new start-up.
- Finding a way to add unique value to your audience with the social media strategy you create.
- Analyzing the free tools that you can use to enhance your brand.
For more information, please visit event page or contact SCORE Boston at [email protected] or call at 617-565-5591.