Artesani Park
1255 Soldiers Field Rd
Boston, MA 02135
Sports & Active Life
Event website:
Kick off the paddling season on April 28, 2019 with the 37th Run of the Charles: Boston's Premier Paddling Race. As CRWA's signature event, the Run of the Charles is the largest flat-bottomed boat race in New England and a major event in Greater Boston, where it draws 1,500 racers and spectators each year!
Our goal this year for the Run of the Charles is to reduce its carbon footprint through some exciting new changes, which will allow for fewer portages and less shuttles between race points. We will also have an enhanced RiverFest celebration at the finish line!
New this year:
In an effort to produce a more sustainable event, we are making improvements! Please review the race description, paddler information, and boat specifications in the registration packet carefully.
- New course lengths! 14-mile relay and 12-, 6-, and 3-mile races.
- We are going paper-free! The racebook has been combined with registration packets. You can find the race map below.
- Paddleboards and kayaks are now able to compete in the relay. Therefore, teams can be made up of 5 paddlers on single-person watercraft OR 10 paddlers on 2-person watercraft.
- RiverFest will host paddlers at tables under a large tent and have a taco truck, music by DJ Kim Collins, river games, raffle and a beer garden! There will also be opportunities for family fishing and canoeing.
- Chairs, tables and tents will not be provided for vendors.
- No contract is needed for picnic space, although all paddlers are encouraged to use the RiverFest tent.
Saturday, Mar 29, 2025 7:30p
New England Conservatory's Jordan Hall