Friday, Feb 17, 2017 8:00p -
Saturday, Feb 18, 2017 12:30a

Out of the Blue Gallery
541 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139
Cambridge, MA 02143

EventScheduled OfflineEventAttendanceMode


Art, Kid Friendly, LGBT, Meetup, Nightlife, Performing Arts, Social Good

Event website:

Unstraight is SO excited to play Out of the Blue Gallery for the first time as a full band! This will be our first show in 2017, and we are putting together a lineup that will make you dance and smile and hopefully forget about your worries for a bit. ♥

Doors at 8, music starts at 8:30, $10 cash at the door. ALL AGES! No alcohol at the gallery, so if you want to drink please do so before and after. Lots of cool art for sale, though, so browse to your heart's delight! There is limited seating and it is accessible.

The FAB lineup:

LISTEN to/buy the new single "Show Me" : unstraightmusic.com
Like/Follow: facebook.com/unstraightband
Twitter/Instagram/Snapchat/Youtube: @unstraightband

The Silent Wild
Like: facebook.com/thesilentwildband
Listen: soundcloud.com/thesilentwild

And Then There Was One
Like: facebook.com/andthentherewasonemusic/
Listen: http://www.andthentherewasone.net/

Sons Lunaris (acoustic set!)

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02/17/2017 20:00:00 02/18/2017 00:30:00 America/New_York Rock the Day Away Unstraight is SO excited to play Out of the Blue Gallery for the first time as a full band! This will be our first show in 2017, and we are putting together a lineup that will make you dance and sm...

Out of the Blue Gallery, Cambridge, MA 02143 false MM/DD/YYYY

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