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Zoom Room opens at 7:15pm -- Come early and meet other Long Now thinkers – Tickets are available on Eventbrite: https://reforming-medicine-applying-lessons-of-sars-cov-2.eventbrite.com
Presentation starts at 7:30pm
A Long Now Boston Community Conversation with Preston Estep (RDVC) and Florian Krammer (CIVIC).
The global COVID response of the past year demonstrated both extraordinary innovation and resilience as well as tragic and colossal disruption. This is particularly true in terms of the biomedical and epidemiological infrastructure. The scientific achievements in rapid gene sequencing, experimental drug treatments and vaccine development were stunning, representing an unprecedented global mobilization. At the same time, implementation of public health measures was haphazard at best, marked by misinformation, confusion, supply shortages and politicization, with widely disparate and sometimes tragic consequences.
We can do better – and now is the time to talk about making changes to secure long-term benefits in reducing the consequences of future pandemics and increasing the resilience of our scientific, biomedical, and public health institutions.
Join Long Now Boston for a conversation on critical innovations in the practice and regulation of biomedicine that could shorten novel vaccine deployment to three months. We will discuss the standard of placebo controlled randomized clinical trials (PC-RCT): when we know the genetic sequence, the biological mechanism and the molecular targets for treatment and immunity, does PC-RCT serve a useful purpose?
Additionally, we will hear about efforts to institutionalize best practices illuminated by the COVID response. Can we transition from a “one-at-a-time” vaccine development process to a networked pandemic offense of advanced research, development and pre-deployment?
Finally, we will ask the question: How far might these innovations take us towards the long term goal of a pandemic-free future?
Join the conversation and be part of the solution.
$5 in advance. Students admitted free.
Audience participation is encouraged.
About the speakers:
Preston Estep is the founder and Chief Scientist of the Rapid Deployment Vaccine Collaborative (RaDVaC), the first-ever open-source vaccine project. Early in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, RaDVaC created rapid-deployment vaccines and published all formulas and protocols on the internet to enable production and self-administration of RaDVaC vaccines. Prior to RaDVaC, Preston was the Chief Scientific Officer and co-founder of Veritas Genetics. He is an inventor of several technologies, and is an adviser to many biotech startup companies. Preston was a previous Long Now Boston speaker on DNA technology breakthroughs: Our Past is our Future.
Florian Krammer is a Professor of Vaccinology at the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai and a leading researcher on the biochemistry of viral infection, vaccines and therapeutics. He is the Principal Investigator of the Collaborative Influenza Vaccine Innovation Center (CIVIC), and directs the Krammer laboratory, part of the NIH-funded Centers for Excellence in Influenza Research and Surveillance (CEIRS). Dr. Krammer is an active peer reviewer and editorial board member of a number of leading journals and has published more than 250 scientific papers, including a proposal for preparing for the next outbreak.
We’re proud and excited to welcome Preston and Florian to the Long Now Boston community.
Cambridge Innovation Center is an in-kind sponsor of this Long Now Boston conversation. We are very grateful for their support.
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