Massachusetts State House
24 Beacon St
Boston, MA
Social Good
Event website:
Join us for Boston’s Red Cloak Protest: RBG👑 Sent Us Silent Protest in state capitals and cities across the United States 🇺🇸
Silent, standing protest to occur for 30-60 minutes at the state Capital. (Seated protest encouraged for those with physical limitations that prohibit standing.)
Statement of Purpose:
1. To publicly protest the nomination, confirmation, and appointment of any Supreme Court Justice by the 45th President of the United States.
2. To affirm Equal Rights for Women, especially body autonomy
3. To honor the memory of Associate Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg
All are welcome to participate. Women (and people who identify as female regardless of sex assignment at birth) are primary participants.
Participants are strongly encouraged to wear red cloaks and white bonnets. But it’s not necessary ♥️
Male allies and people not wearing Red Cloak are encouraged to wear all black, to march/stand behind Women in Red Cloaks, to assist by carrying water & medical supplies, and to photograph the event.
✨Signs are encouraged advocating for Women’s Rights, Pr♥️ Choice, in memory of RBG, and opposing SCOTUS appointment.✨
Face masks and social distancing are REQUIRED for ALL PARTICIPANTS to prevent the transmission of Covid.
Photography: Participants should understand that photographs will likely be taken and cover face accordingly if not wanting to be photographed.
All participants assume responsibility for local and state ordinance requirements. This is a national effort. This is the Boston’s effort. All organizers are volunteers. This is a non-profit social justice event.
Email, press, media inquiries: [email protected]
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)