Boston Common
Tremont St
Boston, MA 02108
Festivals & Fairs, Food, Music, Performing Arts
Event website:
Please join us for a wonderful cultural festival of Sri Jagannatha Ratha Yatra (Festival of Chariots) on Saturday, July 08, starting at 11:30 am at Boylston Street and Cambria St, 100ft away from Massachusetts Ave.(see map in the comments) For GPS: 1 Cambria Street Boston, MA
Subway Stations closest to the start point:
Green Line - Hynes convention center (1-2 minutes walking)
Green Line - Prudential or Symphony (4-5 minutes)
Orange Line - Massachusetts ave (10 minutes)
Orange line - Back Bay (12-15 minutes)
An enlivening procession with esctatic music, chanting and dancing. A beautiful scene of devotees walking and dancing their way to the Boston Common for a site celebration.
The Boston Common Site will have stage performances, chanting, drama, food, exhibits, spritual literature, meditation tent and more!!!
Every year in the summer, one of the world’s largest and oldest festivals happens in India - the Ratha Yatra. A Sanskrit phrase, “Ratha Yatra” literally translates into English as “chariot procession.” As such, three richly decorated chariots, resembling temple structures, are pulled through the streets of the small coastal town of Puri in Eastern India.
Boston chapter of International Society of Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON) located on 72 Commonwealth Avenue, Boston, MA had been celebrating this festival for three decades now. However after a long hiatus of 17 years we had reinstated the huge chariot procession last year on the streets of Boston (Boylston St will be closed by the city).
On July 8th a large chariot carrying the deities will make its way down Boylston Street, starting from Massachusetts Avenue and culminating at the Boston Common Park, where a cultural festival near Park Street T station will follow.
The mood created will be no different to that in Puri, India. The procession will be accompanied by an assortment of thunderous instruments, chanting, and dancing by Krishna devotees from all over New England.
Tentative Schedule: this is subject to change, please revisit late June for complete schedule
11:30-2:00 pm Ratha Yatra Parade from Boylston Street and Cambria St to Boston Common Park
02:00-2:15 pm Jagannatha arrival kirtan
02:15-2:45 pm Beginning kirtan
02:45-2:55 pm Band performance
02:55-3:25 pm Significance of Ratha Yatra
03:25-4:10 pm Kids performance
04:10-4:20 pm Acknowledgements
04:20-4:45 pm Odissi dance
04:45-5:50 pm Kirtan
05:50-6:00 pm Closing words
Delicious food will be served from 2 pm onwards.
Sponsorship Opportunities:
Feast - $1008.00
Flower Decorations - $501.00
Cart Decorations - $501.00
(partial or any small donation is acceptable)
Contact ISKCON Boston at 617-247-8611 or www.iskconboston.org
Parking Information : ISKCON offers discounted parking rates at the following parking garages
Boston Common Garage: $10
Back Bay Garage (Main entrance on St. James Ave. between Clarendon and Berkeley St. Another entrance on Clarendon Street, behind Talbots and next to Rebecca's): $8
Please pick up validation tickets at Guest Reception Tent.
For any queries/information : Vanamali Pandit Dasa: 857-445-1112 or [email protected]
For Seva/Volunteer: Niskinchan Nitai Prabhu : 781-308-3740 or [email protected]
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)