119 School St
119 School St
Waltham, MA
Social Good
Event website:
On June 8th, Ward 7 City Councillor Kristine Mackin brought forward a Black Lives Matter resolution to the Waltham City Council. This resolution had two action items. One was to simply affirm that Black Lives do, in fact, Matter. Nothing more. The second was to open up a discussion into policing in our neighborhoods and how to address it. The maker of the resolution sought to split the two items, and to act on the first matter immediately that night without committee reference while letting the second go to committee to be discussed. It was shot down in a 13-2 vote, only Ward 9 Councillor Jonathan Paz (a cosponsor) joining Kristine in voting that this did not need to go to committee.
Councillors who voted no have come out saying that the issue needs to be “vetted” and talked about. They say that to act on the matter without committee reference is a “political maneuver.” That this is how things are done in Waltham.
This is completely unacceptable. The resolution is simply saying “Black Lives Matter.” This does not need to be vetted. This does not need to be talked about. The fact that this is even up for discussion is a testament to white supremacy in our city.
Acting on a matter without committee reference is not a “political maneuver.” It is a tool that is used to expedite a conversation that does not need discussing. It is a tool that is used often in the Waltham City Council. It has been used at least 40 times in the last two years. You can read that data here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1Oe1OzxemF81I7Y6-20vn-cMC-pvxIdwiJlOmGWWJgYs/edit#gid=1352004563
What you’ll find interesting about the data is that in the two years of utilizing this tool, it has NEVER been voted down. NEVER. And now when we’re talking about whether or not black lives matter, we all of a sudden need to follow the parliamentary procedure. White supremacy. Call it what it is.
We invite you to do just that with us this Monday, June 15th, during the Public Works and Public Safety committee meeting when this will be talked about. If they will not say black lives matter, we will do so. We will do so to make sure that our local government knows that it doesn’t matter who is elected to our City Council, it is the people that have the power. And the people say Black Lives Matter.
Please be mindful of COVID-19 while protesting here and elsewhere.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)