Bone Up Brewing Company
38 Norman Street
Everett, MA 02149
Alcohol, Date Idea, Food, Nightlife, Party
Event website:
Just what the hell is a Pulpo Day, you ask? Why, it's none other than a day celebrating our favorite Winter Seasonal, a chocolate orange imperial stout named El Pulpo! Lovingly brewed with roasted malts, cocoa nibs, vanilla beans, and orange peel, El Pulpo clocks in at a respectable 8% and is full of belly-warming goodness. Come out and enjoy the 2021 release and enjoy a special vertical tasting of cellared and barrel aged variants! (And yes, we will be serving up each order with a side of chocolate orange.)
In addition to all this stouty goodness, we have two awesome food vendors that will take care of all your snacking needs! Friday night from 6-10pm, Matilda’s Pastelitos will be serving up their delicious Dominican empanadas, and on Saturday from 2-8pm Kuya’s Cooking will be serving up some incredible Filipino food. YUM
**Releases and Availability**
2021 El Pulpo: draft pours, four packs to go, crowler/growler fills available
2021 Barrel Aged El Pulpo: draft pours, 500mL bottles to go
2020 El Pulpo: draft pours, bottles and crowlers to go
2020 Barrel Aged El Pulpo: draft pours, LIMITED 500mL bottles to go
2019 Barrel Aged El Pulpo: draft pours
2018 Barrel Aged El Pulpo: draft pours
We will have some limited bottle sets of verticals available, too! If you want to make sure you get one, please place a preorder. Preorders will open on Monday, 11/1 through our online shop: www.boneup.beer
Barrel Aged Vertical $50: This set includes the barrel aged Pulpos from 2018, 2019, 2020, and 2021 and is the very last of our stash from ‘18 and ‘19. Try all four variants and see how the beer changes from year to year, and see if you can pick out the subtle differences!
Three sets are available.
Classic Pulpo Vertical $50: This set includes bottles of the barrel aged Pulpos from 2020 and 2021, plus the standard Pulpo releases from 2020 and 2021.
We will have about 90 of these available!
Will you have chocolate oranges again?
Yes, indeedy! We definitely ordered them, so they’d better be here in time.
Why brew a chocolate orange stout every year?
Jared’s dad likes it so much that we aren’t allowed to stop making it.
Why make an entire weekend out of it?
Because it’s fun!
What does an imperial stout have to do with octopi?
Nothing! But it sure does look cool on the label!
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
Night Shift Brewing (Everett Taproom)
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 12:00p
The Great American Beer Hall