Ultimate Tango @ Dance Union
16 Bow Street, Fl 2
Somerville, MA 02143
Date Idea, LGBT, Meetup, Music, Sports & Active Life
Event website:
We were using summer heat to warm out our brains and restructure Ultimate Tango courses so all the missing but necessary tidbits of information can be fit in them. And so the PRE-Intermediate course was born.
This is a new level that we are introducing this September for the first time to smoothen the transition between Beginner and Intermediate levels.
Why is that?
First – once you dance Tango for a bit you start realizing that Tango is an extremely rich language of non-verbal communication. And just as with any language – the more you learn, the more you know, the more interesting it becomes. It causes one little behavioral ‘curiosity’: if you ask any of the advanced students what level they are, they say proudly ‘intermediate’. In fact if you ask a teacher what level they consider themselves they would also often answer: ‘intermediate’. There is ALWAYS so much more to learn.
What happens at the intermediate level is: we have people that experience the intermediate level elements for the first time and those who dance for several years wishing to learn more about those most fundamental elements like giro /molinete.
The pre-intermediate level presents the elements that are often considered ‘common sense’. Things you supposed to know or somehow figure them out on your own. Those essential details that you need to know, practice and muscle memorize to incorporate into your Tango will be introduced during PRE-INTERMEDIATE course.
You are ready for this level if you already know all elements taught in BEGINNER. Please make sure you read through Beginner syllabus to reconfirm with yourself that you know it all.
You can also take this course if the list of essentials provided below sounds like a foreign language to you.
Series 1: Focus on cross system
Understanding difference between parallel and cross system.
Getting into cross system: weight change and suspension.
Leading weight change and suspension.
Walking outside partner left, outside partner right and transition between the two (all in cross system).
Back crosses and forward crosses during walk.
Basic to the cross in cross system.
Sample variations of basic to the cross: Leader’s part, Follower’s part, to the open side, to the closed side and mirror image to both sides.
Baldoza in cross system. Possibilities.
Musicality: double time.
Series 2: Focus on ochos
Cross versus ocho – what’s the difference.
Forward and back crosses.
Forward and back ochos.
Generating spiral movement in your body.
Pivot and axis of pivot in ochos.
Difference between contra body movement and spiral.
Leading Ochos, Following ochos.
Simultaneous ochos. Isolating Lead from Follow.
Ocho cortado.
Series 3: Focus on directions (Forward-Side-Back)
Open step versus cross step.
Difference in leading weight change and side step.
Consequences of replacing weight change with the side step.
Leading continuous side step – is it possible?
Isolating lead from Leader’s step.
Forward-Side-Back - Tango mantra
Adding pivot to each direction – possibilities.
Mixing directions in any possible configuration as intro to improvisation.(Would you like to be able to understand/read and repeat any combination shown to you – this is great beginning). Try few of those:
(F-forward cross, B-back cross, S-side/open step)
Follower: F-F-F B-B-B S-S-S
Leader: F-F-F B-B-B S-S-S
Follower: F-F-F B-B-B F-F-F S-S-S B-B-B S-S-S
Leader: B-B-B F-F-F S-S-S F-F-F S-S-S B-B-B
Follower: F-S-B B-S-F S-F-S B-S-B
Leader: F-F-F F-F-F F-F-F F-F-F
Follower: F-S-B B-S-F S-F-S B-S-B
Leader: B-B-B B-B-B B-B-B B-B-B
Follower: F-S-B B-S-F S-F-S B-S-B
Leader: S-S-S S-S-S S-S-S S-S-S
DO NOT WAIT. Tango is awaiting you.
Saturday, Mar 15, 2025 9:00a
Natick Community Organic Farm
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
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