Online event
Lectures & Conferences, University, Virtual
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Join us for a virtual reading and conversation with the award-winning poet Anthony Cody, the author of two collections of poetry. His most recent collection is The Rendering (Omnidawn, 2023). Anthony’s debut collection, Borderland Apocrypha (Omnidawn, 2020), was winner of the 2018 Omnidawn Open Book Prize, selected by Mei-mei Berssenbrugge. He has been awarded a 2022 Whiting Award, a 2021 American Book Award, and a 2020 Southwest Book Award and was named a finalist for a 2020 National Book Award, a 2021 PEN America/Jean Stein Award, a 2021 Los Angeles Times Book Award, and a 2021 California Book Award. In 2020, he was honored as a 2020 Poets & Writers debut poet.
Cody is a CantoMundo fellow from Fresno, California, with lineage in the Bracero Program and Dust Bowl. His poetry has appeared in The Academy of American Poets: Poem-A-Day Series, Gulf Coast, and Ninth Letter, among others. Anthony coedited How Do I Begin?: A Hmong American Literary Anthology (Heyday, 2011), as well as coedited and cotranslated Juan Felipe Herrera’s Akrílica (Noemi Press, 2022). He is copublisher of Noemi Press, a poetry editor for Omnidawn, collaborates with Juan Felipe Herrera and the Laureate Lab Visual Wordist Studio, and is faculty in poetry at Randolph College's Low Residency MFA Program.
Registration is free. Register online.
Wednesday, Mar 12, 2025 7:15p
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)