Children's Museum in Easton
9 Sullivan Avenue
North Easton, Massachusetts 02356
$Free with admission to the museum
Kid Friendly
Event website:
Make way for ducklings, bunnies, chickens, and so much more, because Farm Visits is returning to the Children’s Museum in Easton with their family-friendly petting zoo! On Wednesday, August 8th, from 11am-2pm, the Museum will be having some of your favorite animals stop by. This summer drop-in day will be a blast for the whole family! Hop, gallop, or fly on over for a fun-filled day at The Children’s Museum in Easton! The 2018 Summer Extravaganza is sponsored by Good Samaritan Medical Center.
The Children's Museum in Easton is located in the Old Fire Station at 9 Sullivan Avenue in North Easton, MA. For more information, please call The Children's Museum in Easton at (508) 230-3789 or go to our website: www.childrensmuseumineaston.org.