Monday, Apr 19, 2021 9:00a -

City Hall Plaza Government Center
Congress St.
Boston, ma 02201

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Lectures & Conferences, Meetup, Performing Arts, Social Good

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Honoring the first battle in Lexington and Concord!
Patriot’s Day is celebrated in Massachusetts to remember the events that took place in Boston leading to the American Revolution. Traditionally a morning flag-raising ceremony in Government Center is followed by speeches and a Patriots Day Parade. The parade stops at the Granary Burying Ground for a short service and wreath laying at the grave of Robert Keayne and Paul Revere. At the end of the parade The Massachusetts Lancers stage the rides of Paul Revere and William Dawes. From their start in the North End near the Old North Church, each ride through Boston making stops along the way to greet people until they reach the Minute Men Statue at Lexington Green. Revere’s reenactor stops at Foss Park in Somerville, Hall House in Medford Square and Arlington Town Hall before arriving at Lexington Green.

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04/19/2021 09:00:00 04/19/2021 12:00:00 America/New_York Patriots Day Boston Honoring the first battle in Lexington and Concord! Patriot’s Day is celebrated in Massachusetts to remember the events that took place in Boston leading to the American Revolution. Traditionally ...

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