56 Brattle Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Classes, Food, Kid Friendly
Event website:
Bring your leftover Halloween stash to this class and turn it into a candy sculpture of your design. We will melt hard candy and learn how to cast it in silicone molds, and also sculpt chewy candy into flowers, fruits, and small figurines. Each parent and child pair will leave the class with their own unique sculpture that will last for many months. Please bring whatever Halloween candy you have – except for pieces made of chocolate – with you to class. We will also have extra candy on hand to supplement students’ collections. Tuition is for one parent and one child. Please bring a small box to class to transport your edible artworks. Instructor: Linda Khachadurian
Saturday, 11:30am-2pm. Nov. 2
This class will meet in-person at CCAE. Please view our In-Person Class Guidelines prior to enrolling.