Wellington Revere Beach Pkwy
Revere Beach Pkwy
Medford, MA 02155
< 21, Meetup, Social Good, Sports & Active Life
Event website:
We've rented a hut in Chittenden, VT that has heating and lights (no running water or outlets), and we're really excited to hike 10 miles with 2,740 ft of elevation gain up the Great Cliff of Mt. Horrid. This area is closed for several months at a time to preserve the local falcon population, and we're happy to frequent the trail now that it's open. This is a late fall/early winter hike, so you will definitely need microspikes to attend. More info below will be provided on gear for hiking and for accommodation.
Mount Horrid is a summit in Addison and Windsor counties, Vermont in the United States. With an elevation of 3,205 feet (977 m), Mount Horrid is the 83rd highest summit in the state of Vermont. We'll be hiking to Mt. Horrid and the Great Cliff from the hut for a full day. Check out the trail map here: https://caltopo.com/m/NC3P
After returning from our hike, we will spend the night at the hut and celebrate our awesome hike. Do not expect to go to bed early, and don't sign up if that's what you're looking for. The next day we will putz around as tourists looking for points of interest. More details to come, or leave an idea in the comment section!
Please keep in mind there will be ZERO cell service not only at the hut but throughout the entire area - really, it's crazy that there is such a wide swath of land that doesn't connect you to the "outside" world.
Gear for hiking
1) Microspikes
2) Hiking boots (no trail runners - it's too wet now)
3) Headlamp
4) Non-cotton core and pants
5) Smart-wool socks
6) Waterproof (not resistant) core and pant shells
7) 2 -3 liters of water to be kept inside of your bag so as not to freeze
8) Electrolyte replacement (gatorade, etc)
9) Map of this trail: https://caltopo.com/m/NC3P
10) Lots of food to replenish calories
Gear for accommodation
1) Wet naps
2) Blankets and pillow - sleeping bag not required (but you can still bring one) since there will be heat
3) Food and drinks
4) Toiletries
5) Change of clothes (please, seriously)
A couple of us will already have water purifiers. A privy is located not far from the hut. We will absolutely be having a great time after the hike - please have your party face on.
Do not make this hike your first hike. You must have previous hiking experience, and you will have to list it in the comments section if your RIdj-it profile does not give a clear indication of what you've hiked before. You must be in excellent cardio shape (as in, you could walk steeply uphill for hours at a time around 2 mph). There will be no refunds on this trip since it's an overnighter that requires 100% dedication. We will go rain or shine to the hut.