Saturday, Jul 09, 2022 9:30a -
Repeats weekly

Magazine Beach Outdoor gym
Dr Paul Dudley White Bike Path, (Memorial Dr.)
Cambridge, MA 02139

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Classes, Date Idea, Meetup, Sports & Active Life

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Welcome to Yoga with Malaika outdoor season at the river. So excited to once again be meeting at Magazine Beach outdoor gym in Cambridge MA. We meet weekly under the trees along the rivers edge in the perfect spot for yoga.

We start with a warm up integration to get the energy flowing. Moving on to our sun salutations A & B variation sequence, then after our bodies are warmed up we start to explore our peak poses / yogi playtime. We bring our practice to a close with a restful / restoring savasana. What a beautiful way to start the weekend & the day!

*This is a beginner friendly / all level Vinyasa flow.

☆☆☆ Join our Facebookgroup 'Bonafide yoga with Malaika' to keep updated with class passes, schedule and events..☆☆☆

Sign up or Drop in (Mask optional)

Register www.yogawithmalaika.com

website www.msbonafidecreations.com

Email msbonafidecreations@gmail.com

#yogawithmalaika #msbonafidecreations #youcomingtoyoga #cambridgema #yogaattheriver

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07/09/2022 09:45:00 07/09/2022 10:45:00 America/New_York Outdoor yoga at the river w/ Malaika <p>Welcome to Yoga with Malaika outdoor season at the river. So excited to once again be meeting at Magazine Beach outdoor gym in Cambridge MA. We meet weekly under the trees along the rivers edge ...

Magazine Beach Outdoor gym, Cambridge , MA 02139 false MM/DD/YYYY

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