Online event
Art, Classes, Lectures & Conferences, Social Good, Virtual & Streaming
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The Solstice Low-Residency Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing Program of Pine Manor College is proud to present 2020 Vision – Writing Social Justice for Today. Author and teacher Sheela Chari will moderate a diverse roster of writers and activists, including Solstice faculty members David Yoo, José Angel Araguz, Iain Haley Pollock, Randall Horton, and Olugbemisola Rhuday-Perkovich; our writer-in-residence Renée Watson; and guests Shonda Buchanan and Ibtisam Barakat. This event is free and open to the public.
Official Press Release: https://mailchi.mp/pmc/solstice-2020-vision-panel
Fill out this form to register today: https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QVvIfrbxQ6uTYmuJYV1MQg