Monday, Jul 13, 2020 7:00p -
Repeats weekly

Online, via Zoom
Boston, Ma 02138

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Art, Classes

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Lead by Caitlin McGill, MFA, we’ll read through the works of Ta- Nehisi Coates, Angela Palm, and Jesmyn Ward. We’ll dig into archives- of memories, recorded history, and reckon with absences in collective narratives- exploring original ways to write about family, adolescence, and adulthood amidst the places and eras in which we’ve lived. Whether you’re in the middle of a work in progress, looking for new inspiration, or seeking creative outlets for challenging times, this class offers a foundation of literary analysis and opportunity for deeper, personal reflection and expression. All educational backgrounds are welcomed, invited, and embraced.

*This is a 4-week series that meets on Mondays, from July 13th to August 5th.

Please visit our website, https://www.writerswithoutmargins.org/enroll for complete details and to sign-up.

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07/13/2020 19:00:00 07/13/2020 20:30:00 America/New_York Online Creative Writing Workshop Lead by Caitlin McGill, MFA, we’ll read through the works of Ta- Nehisi Coates, Angela Palm, and Jesmyn Ward. We’ll dig into archives- of memories, recorded history, and reckon with absences in col...

Online, via Zoom, Boston, Ma 02138 false MM/DD/YYYY