Honan-Allston Branch of the Boston Public Library
300 N. Harvard St
Allston, MA 02134
Classes, Social Good
Event website:
According to many literary theorists, all stories rely on a single set of fundamental story structures. These structures recur in every recorded culture. But clearly, no two stories are alike—because no two storytellers are alike. Generation after generation, we take the old stories and write them through new eyes. We hope to continue that tradition in “Old Stories, New Storytellers,” where we’ll explore and discuss universal plots and the many variations, old and new, that writers have used to adapt them to their unique perspectives.
Inspired by Connor McPherson and Bob Dylan’s Girl From the North Country, which reimagines Dylan’s legendary songs in a new Tony Award-winning musical, our participants—the new storytellers—will reimagine these structures through their own ideas and experiences. In the process, they’ll observe the creative lineage that links their work to the long history of storytelling and the power of diverse narrators to shape the old stories anew.
Participants are encouraged to attend all 4 sessions of this workshop.
Please email librarian Paul Flagg at [email protected] to register.
Monday, May 05, 2025 goes until 05/18
Boston Area Spanish Exchange (BASE)