The Umbrella Arts Center
40 Stow St.
Concord, MA 01742
Art, Kid Friendly
Event website:
December 7, 2020-January 31, 2021
Hours: 10AM-5PM (by appointment)
The Umbrella Arts Center, 40 Stow Street, Concord MA
Natural Form: Three Journeys in the main gallery at The Umbrella Arts Center features three Umbrella Studio Artists whose recent work, in a variety of media, has employed careful observation of nature and its structure at the micro, macro and human scales. Louise Arnold is a landscape painter working in oils; Craig Elliott is an architect and artist creating large-scale charcoal drawings; and Suzanne Hill is a ceramic artist specializing in saggar fired vessels.
The exhibition is viewable by special appointment only, following public safety protocols. For information see TheUmbrellaArts.org/NaturalForm or contact [email protected].